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Jan 3, 2009

Life is like a flower

Life is like a flower.
Born in a tiny seed, planted deep within the earth. Like flower, life has fragrance, color & beauty. The charm of life as a whole reflects the care behind. Fragrance, color & beauty gives the true sense of life, missing any one of these three makes the life meaning-less. So to give the meaning of life one should feel positively the presence of these three all together . Fragrance means positive attitude, healthy thoughts & politeness towards life. In a nutshell, it’s a magical touch of mental sense. Its an attitude to accept life in the form it comes & love the charm. It’s the feeling of love, presence of livelihood and sense of living.
Color means enjoyment of life in all aspects, physically, mentally as well as spiritually. Colour of life means meaning of living in true perspective with all the happiness and beauty ensembled around you.
Beauty is the essential part to make the life meaningful. It’s come through the inner & outer well-being of body, in which the individual realizes own abilities, capable to cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution towards life.Mental beauty means exercise of mind basically through meditation, dhyana, yoga .It brings mental relaxation and spiritual realization that keeps from odds & helps to gain positive energy. It gives extra power to life. Physical fitness is the other part of beauty. It helps to maintain the balance of body. So life needs the presence of all three (fragrance colour & beauty) to give a meaning of presence in earth.

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