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Apr 16, 2010

Healthy living for aged

Healthy living for aged.It’s a common phenomenon in todays life in a city like kolkata to hear & read many stories & article on aged loneliness, their helplessness to live alone.I force to write this after reading the touchy & reallife article on aged life in kolkata in a leading newspaper.
The most important line of this article is “ what about the time that the oldies have to spend on their own in Calcutta.”
There are many organization who are serving to & working for aged. Research & survey is going on in different part in India to solve this major problem of aged. Most of the organization us trying to make them busy & help when they need& giving them a best possible support.But with due respect to them I must say that to make oneself (aged) busy in any way doesn’t really work to cope with the most commonly disease called lonyliness in aged .
As a owner of a organization which is working for aged people in a different way I strongly feel that there are certain things that aged should know & feel
1. Meaning of healthy living
2. the importance of life
3. The importance of enjoyment in healthy living
4. Impact of recreation in daily life.
So if anyone agree with me pls mail me in

Nov 6, 2009

aged care

Aged in the developing country like India are in dilemma due to an increasingly industrialized and materialistic society and that society does not have enough space for its citizens , they feel, their space & existence within and outside their homes is continually dwindling.Basic human needs are Love, Faith, Hope,Peace & Worship. In old age these needs can take on a particular poignancy. The epletion of ageing multiply with loss of role bereavement & domicile.

so wecare is a small effort to support aged for better& happy living by giving services .Yet this is our endeavor, in a small way to give them a bit of comfort in the age when they have fulfilled all their responsibilities towards us.
This our appeal to all the caregivers who wants a better life for their aged parents & relatives to contact us for regular support service to their loved ones.
for further details please contact ph-9903735442

Jan 25, 2009

Reason of failures

1. Mental conditioning
2. Mind Blockage
3. Rigidity

Mental Conditioning- people whose mind is conditioned from the very beginning of life ,let things happen to them. They always accepts life as it comes as they loose hopes & stops trying to things to be happen.. They don’t feel themselves capable of making things happen. So they suffer a lot in life & accepts every sufferings as a destiny.

Mind Blockage-most of us don’t use the mind of their own. They always believe n others word as it’s very easy to think what others think & feel quite safe to do what others say. They never use their mind & brain. They only know to follow others & always travel the tasted path. They want to walk on the existing footprints to avoid risks involved in their movement.

Rigidity-It is most important to get success in life. The successful man take changes as a choice & accepts firmly. To the person who fails, the change is a compromise & he accepts as there is no other alternative. But the truth is choice brings alternatives, opportunities & thus brings happiness through success whether compromise is a compulsion, helplessness & thus brings dissatisfaction through failures.

Jan 23, 2009

Wrong exercises

A Safer Lat Pull-down
On the pull-down machine, lean back a few degrees, use a wider-than-shoulder grip, and bring the bar down in front of your body to the breastbone, pulling shoulder blades down and together. Contract your abdominals to stabilize the body, and avoid using momentum to swing the bar up and down. The lat pull-down works the muscles of the upper back.
Lat Pull-down Behind the Head
The problem: Only people with very mobile shoulder joints can keep their spines straight enough to do this exercise properly. So the move -- done wrong -- can lead to shoulder impingement or worse, a tear in the rotator cuff. And if the bar hits the back of the neck, it could injure cervical vertebrae.
Military Press Behind the Head
This shoulder move, in which you lift weights or a barbell up and down behind the head, can cause the same problems as the lat pull-down behind the head.
A Safer Military Press
A safer shoulder alternative: When doing the military press, keep the bar or dumbbells in front of your head. Stand with the weight no lower than the collarbone and keep your upper body upright. The exercise can also be done seated. Always sit straight against a back support, and keep the natural curve in your spine, with upper back and glutes pressed to the chair.
Upright Row
The problem: Pulling weights, a barbell, or a weighted cabled bar up under your chin is a big no-no because it can compress the nerves in the shoulder area, impinging the shoulder.
Safer Alternative to the Upright Row
Instead of doing an upright row, work your shoulders with a front or lateral shoulder raise, lifting
Lying Leg Press with Knees Bent Too Deeply
The problem: Lying on your back with your feet on a weighted plate, you push the plate up and bring it down, with the aim of working the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. The problem with this exercise comes when you bend your legs too far, which can hurt your back and knees. Weights out to the front or side of the body
Squats on the Smith Machine
The problem: The bar on the machine doesn't give, which can force the body into risky positions. Plus, people tend to put their feet farther in front of their bodies when doing squats on the machine, which makes matters worse.
Squats: A Safer Alternative
It's not necessary to use weights when doing a squat, but if you keep good form, adding weight will intensify the move. Standing straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, slowly lower your body, back straight. Move the hips back as if you where going to sit in a chair. Try to maintain your weight directly over your feet, keeping heels on the floor. Lower yourself to about a 90 degree bend in the knee. Slowly return to a standing position.
Using Bad Form on Cardio Machines
The problem: Hunching over or using a death-grip on the handrail cheats your body and can throw off your alignment, jarring your spine, shoulders, and elbows.
Better Technique on Cardio Machines
Don't set the incline or resistance so high that it causes you to hang on to the machine too tightly. Use a natural gait with a light grip. For a more challenging workout, hold on lightly with one hand and move the other arm, switching arms periodically. And save the reading for after your workout so you can focus on good form.
Exercises Done with Goal of Spot Reduction
People who do strengthening and toning exercises in an effort to trim fat from a certain area -- thighs, hips, stomach, or arms -- have the wrong idea. Although these exercises can help firm muscles, if the targeted area still carries an extra layer of fat, it won't look much different. You can't isolate fat loss to one part of the body.
Effective Ways to Reshape Your Body
Cardiovascular exercise will torch calories, but resistance training is a big part of the equation if you want to burn fat. Boosting your muscle mass increases your metabolism, so you burn more calories all the time, even when you're not working out.
Always Lifting with a Weight Belt
The problem: Too many people wear weight belts too often. Unless you have a back injury or other medical reason -- or you are lifting a lot of weight -- the weight belt may let your core muscles slack off -- and you need your core muscles all the time in everyday life.

The solution: Back off the weight belt unless it's necessary.
Any Exercise Done Wearing the Wrong Shoes

Even if you're doing everything else right, your efforts can be undermined by improper footwear. Working out with the wrong shoes increases pounding on the joints, and can lead to injuries like plantar fasciitis or tendinitis.
Shoe Solution
The key, experts say, is to choose a shoe that is specific to your activity and that suits your particular foot. They recommend shopping at stores specializing in athletic shoes, where you can seek advice from a knowledgeable salesperson. And don't forget to replace your shoes when they show signs of wear.