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Jan 23, 2009

Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle is essential to live a happy life. Healthy lifestyle means physical, mental economical, & spiritual wellness which minimise the risks of chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension,bronchitis and other common diseases.It also reduce the cost for health care ,increase energy,maintain body balance. For people of all ages, weights, and abilities the importance of a healthy lifestyle are endless.
The important matters for healthy lifestyle.
Physical wellbeing – means maintain good physical health and achieved by practicing few common health-related behavior according to lifestyle .There are few things to keep in mind as a part of your daily life like eating habits,maintain body wight ,exercise, causes of damage .
a. Eating Habits- its most important to eat properly& take balance dieat to avoid unnecessery illness.A healthy diet helps to improve stamina and energy level of body & to maintain weight & reduce the tendency of falling ill.
b. MaintainWeight-managing weight is one of the basic thing for healthy lifestyle. Weight reduction will reduce the risk of heart disease & other obe4sity related health dsease.Obesity is also a cause of many childhood disease such as sleep apnea, asthama. Wight reduction is also reduce tension, stress & improve energy & enhance self mage by improving physical activity.
c.Exercise: Exercise is the way to maintain body weight & balance. It helps to burn the extra fat which is the cause of many disease& get strength. It also minimise many chronic disease like Diabetis, High B.P, Artharitis,Asthma.
d. Causes of damage- Its most important for evryone to keep in mind the factor causes severe & permanent damage – 1. Tobacco consumption. 2.Intake alcohol. 3. Hectic schedule. 4.Over tension& stress. 5. Reckless& restless life. 6. Drug addiction. 7. self medication.
The wellness means comfortable by all means. The key of wellness are- self caring attitude, increase body strength,control over life, proper medication

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